Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pero no tengo la plata...

There are many reasons that foreigners want to immigrate to the United States, but one of the biggest motives is to obtain a better education. All biases aside, the U.S. offers simple freedoms and opportunities that places elsewhere do not.

Estefania Rey Quintana, who prefers to be called Tefi, is an Argentine film school graduate. Although she's a native of Buenos Aires, for years she's desired to move to the U.S. to obtain a greater educational experience. With a diploma similar to an undergraduate degree under her belt, she's looking to increase her chance opportunity in world of film.

"I’ve been always interested in going to the U.S. to get a additional education," Tefi said.

She explained that North American film makers are able to get more money to make films, unlike in Argentina.

"There’s a big difference when it comes to producing. By this I mean getting the money so you can make your movie. In the U.S. there’s this big cinematography market where for the ones who stick to it, it’s easy," she explained.

The truth is that Tefi would fit right in to with American culture. The 23-year-old speaks nearly perfect English- she can even imitate a valley girl. Her love for surfing, skateboarding and music would make her appear to be just like any other typical California beach bum. But unfortunately, Argentina's current economic climate will keep her from singing, "California here we come."

"Lo primero que me detuvo de viajar a los Estados Unidos es la falta de dinero. En mi país hay inflación, y cada vez la comida, la ropa y todo lo que pagás para poder vivir, es mas caro; pero los sueldos siguen siendo los mismos," she said.

Tefi said her primary concern is her ability to save enough money. With Argentina's inflation rate, the cost of living is constantly increasing - while salaries stay the same - which is makes saving money nearly impossible.

Despite her current inability to visit the U.S., Tefi will continue to explore many creative outlets through filmmaking and editing. She said she's most passionante about her career because she's able to explore the five senses, and in turn help others to do so as well.

"Creo que mi passion es experimentar con los 5 sentidos lo màs que pueda. Mirar y observar. Utilizar el ojo en su máximo rendimiento. Analizar lo que observo.Escuchar, interceptar los sonidos y que no pasen desapercibidos," she said. "Disfrutar de la música, de cantar y crear nuevas melodías. Probar comidas nuevas, cocinar, conocer distintas culturas, sus imágenes, sonidos, sabores y sensaciones."

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